Special Staining 

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corresponding histological picture. 

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corresponding histological drawing.

   Azan stain:

»»  Nuclei, osteocytes, neuroglia - bright red
»»  Cytoplasm - pink to blue
»»  Collagen and reticulum - blue
»»  Muscle and RBC - red to yellow

   Bielschowski's method:

»»  Intracellular neurofibrils - black
»»  Axons - black

   Mallory's aniline blue collagen stain:

»»  Nuclei - red
»»  Collagenous fibrils - blue
»»  Ground substance, cartilage, mucin, amyloid 
     - varying shades of blue
»»  RBC, myelin - yellow
»»  Elastic fibrils - pale pink, pale yellow, or unstained

   PAS stain:

»»  Carbohydrates - deep red
»»  PAS positive - mucin, basement 
     membrane, brush border, glycogen

   Osmium tetroxide for lipids

»»  Fat - black
»»  Background - yellow to brown

   Silver and gold methods for nerve tissue:

»»  Neuron process - black, brown or golden

   Silver stain for reticular fibrils

»»  Reticular fibers - black

   Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin stain for elastic fibers:

»»  Elastic fibers - blue-black to black
»»  Nuclei - blue to black
»»  Collagen - pink-red
»»  Other tissue elements - yellow