Immune system 

The picture " " can link to it's
corresponding histological photograph. 

The picture " " can link to it's
corresponding histological drawing.


   a. Lymph node (NH-1-b, HE)

* The differentiation of these lymphocytes requires immunological techniques; see Fig. 11.14 in Functional Histology.


»»  afferent lymphatic vessels
»»  subcapsular sinuses (Cortical sinus)


»»  trabecular sinus


»»  lymphoid follicles: B lymphocytes*
»»  germinal center

deep cortex, paracortical zone: T lymphocytes*

»»  postcapillary venules (in deep cortex )


»»  medullary cords
»»  medullary cords
¡@B lymocytes* & plasma cells
¡@reticular cells: large pale-staining nucleus, ovoid in shape
»»  medullary sinuses, endothelial cells
»»  efferent lymppphatic vessels

   b. Spleen 

NH-2-b, HE
NH-2-c, Mallory

»»  capsule
»»  trabeculae or septa(ls, cs)
»»  white pulp: basophilic areas
¡@lymphoid aggregations
¡@Central arteries
»»  red pulp: cords of Bilroth
¡@venous sinuses; red blood cells

   c. Thymus 

(NH-3-b, Infant, HE)

»»  capsule
»»  incomplete septa with vessels and adipose (NH-3-b)
»»  lobule
»»  cortex packed with thymocytes (lymphocytes)
»»  medulla
¡@Hassal's corpuscles, thymic corpuscles
¡@degenerative epithelial-reticular cells: pink in color

   d. Palatine tonsil 

(NH-4-a, HE)

»»  mucous membrane
»»  stratified squamous epithelium
»»  tonsillar crypts
»»  aggregated lymphatic nodules, germinal centers
