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corresponding histological photograph. 

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corresponding histological drawing.


   A. Hyaline cartilage

NA-1-g, Epithelium composite Trachea, HE
NC-2-b, Hyalineand elastic cartilage. Resorcin-fuchsin.  

»»  Perichondrium
»»  Cell nests ( isogenic groups ) of chondrocytes in lacunae
»»  Territorial matrix
»»  Interterritorial matrix

   B. Elastic cartilage

NC-2-b, Hyaline and elastic cartilage. Resorcin-fuchsin.
Compare the hyaline cartilage with the elastic cartilage in NC-2-b

»»  Perichondrium
»»  Cell nests in lacunae
»»  Territorial matrix
»»  Interterritorial matrix
»»  Elastic fibers


   C. Fibrous cartilage

Intervertebral disk, fibrous cartilage and ligament, HE

    Fibrous cartilage

»»  Chondrocytes
»»  Territorial matrix
»»  No interterritorial matrix
»»  Bundles of collagenous fibers


»»  Fibroblasts
»»  Bundles of collagenous fibers